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Pediatric Customer Review

My name is Taylar and I'm Colt's mom. My water broke at 21 weeks and he was born at 26 weeks. He spent a long, difficult time in the NICU and PICU for 296 days before coming home with a trach, vent dependent, oxygen dependent, and g-tube dependent. He had a COMPLETE oral aversion. Even the thought of anything touching his mouth would cause him to wretch.
Janee was our first speech therapist when we came home and had therapies set up through a company in Dallas. Over time as she gained his trust, he began to allow her to touch his mouth, eventually letting her put toys in his mouth. Their friendship began at that time and doing oral activities finally became "FUN"! She got him to take a few bites of puree before we unfortunately lost her services due to her company's change in insurance providers. We were devastated. We met many great speech therapist afterwards but unfortunately none were quite as successful as Colt's, "Miss Nae" as he calls her.
We were fortunate enough to be able to pay her out of pocket for some sessions from a fundraiser we did here and there. Then she relocated to a local therapy business and we were able to get her full time again! There, Colt began eating full nutrition by mouth. While we were unable to be a part of The SPOT family because Colt ultimately tested out of the speech program, we are BEYOND grateful for everything Janee has done for us. We would highly recommend her for any difficult cases. Just when we thought we'd have to be a part of the g-tube life forever, she gave us hope and a freedom we never could have imagined! Thank you "Miss Nae"!!